Organizational Wellness

Wellness Solutions

Posted by on Feb 3, 2019 in Featured Pages, Organizational Wellness | Comments Off on Wellness Solutions

Wellness Solutions

Are you stuck in a place of “dis-ease” from stress, chronic conditions, or lack of self-care? Cheryl has coaching solutions to help you identify that which feels “broken” and the opportunities for “ease” that will have you feeling well and productive. Manage chronic conditions, live a mindful and intentional life of wellness, actualize your goals for a healthier body and soul, find resources to manage health challenges, and live the life you desire! Individual Coaching Do you want to identify where you feel “dis-ease” and create the well life of “ease” you desire? Then individual coaching with Cheryl is your answer to get you there. Dis-ease from stress, chronic conditions, life transitions/change, work chaos/changes, financial crisis, relationship changes, trauma, etc. can create short-term and even long-term discomfort, lethargy, and illness. You DON’T have to live that way – let’s get started on your new life of “ease” and peace. Couple and/or Family Coaching Is your relationship or family experiencing “dis-ease” and stress? Living with chronic conditions, stress, dis-ease, life transition/change, communication challenges, work/life balance, trauma, etc. can have catastrophic affects on a relationship and/or family. Couple and/or family coaching with Cheryl can address that which is creating these challenges through finding solutions for living in wholeness and peace. Your relationship and/or family doesn’t need to suffer (or end) because of dis-ease. Together, we’ll get you all back on track! Additional Resources Resources Arthritis Back and Neck Pain Contact Cheryl today to schedule your next coaching...

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Creating the Life You Desire

Posted by on Feb 3, 2019 in Featured Pages, Organizational Wellness | Comments Off on Creating the Life You Desire

Creating the Life You Desire

Discover life’s possibilities and create the life you desire. Coaching with Cheryl will provide you with the space you need for reflection, the facilitated process of building skills and tools, and the actions steps necessary for moving your life forward towards your desired goals and outcomes. Coaching sessions are available for individuals, couples, families, and groups/teams. Cheryl’s coaching workbook: The Journey In: Creating the Life You Desire will provide a foundation and tools for the work we will do together as a “co-creative” team. Here are the outcomes you will experience: You will have clarity about your life and even get “unstuck” in the face of challenge, fear, and stress You will move your life forward with new tools, skills, and management strategies You will become the superhero of your own story; of your own life You will live a mindful, intentional life of joy and passion Cheryl’s new book is now available on!  Use this link to purchase a copy today:  The Journey In: Creating the Life You Desire Contact Cheryl today to schedule your next coaching...

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Professional Development Solutions

Posted by on Jul 15, 2013 in Featured Pages, Organizational Wellness | 0 comments

Professional Development Solutions

Do you want to take your career to the next level? Creating the career you desire is possible through coaching and professional development with Cheryl. Enjoy coaching, certificate programs, workshops, retreats, and conferences. The following professional development solutions will be yours: You will find the career you desire during this time of change and/or transition You will be become more creative, innovative, and productive Your leadership skills will be developed and new opportunities will be possible You will become confident in your management skills as a supervisor or supervisee You will have the skills to create and implement experiential programming and services Your workplace will be a Mindful Workplace Community You will manage workplace conflict with confidence, including: generational differences, communication challenges, morale issues, and more! You will be “culturally intelligent” with understanding of your biases and triggers You will thrive and find great joy in your meaningful career Cheryl’s new book is now available on!  Use this link to purchase a copy today:  The Journey In: Creating the Life You Desire Individual Coaching Do you want to: find a new career, take your career to the next level, develop the skills and tools to be your best you professionally, become the leader you have always wanted to be, manage stress in the workplace, find life-work balance, develop communication skills that position you for success, love what you do and make a difference? Then coaching with Cheryl is your answer to get you there. Contact Cheryl today to schedule your next coaching session! Journey Workgroup Cheryl Schwartz, M.A., life coach and the author of the book “The Journey In: Creating the Life You Desire,” is providing workgroup sessions for those wanting a “facilitated” process for exploring the concepts and completing the experiential activities in the book. You will reflect, learn, build tools, and actively move your life forward towards your desired goals and outcomes — discover all of life’s possibilities. Workgroup sessions are available as individual coaching sessions or in a group format. The book and the workgroup sessions will: Assists you in living a moment-to-moment intentional life of joy and passion Provide clarity and get you unstuck in the face of challenge, fear, and stress Move your life forward with new tools, skills, and management strategies Help you become the superhero of your own story; of your own life Group or Individual Session Include: Mindfulness Foundations, Path of Least Resistance, Law of the Possible Managing Fear/Creating Courage, Caring for Self, Decision Making Being in Relation to Others, Leadership, Thriving with Chronic Conditions Getting from Here to the Life You Desire Times: Vary Location: Central Denver location (unless planned otherwise with client) Fee: $90/per individual session (packages available) or $60/per person for groups of 6 or more (we accept cash, checks, all credit cards) Registration:  Pre-registration required.  Registration Form available upon request Preparation: Please purchase the book in advance at and read the chapters being discussed prior to attending each session! **Do you want to host a Journey Workgroup for your friends, book group, organization, clients or students? Cheryl will come to you to provide a Journey Workgroup. Contact Cheryl today to get started! Certificate in Experiential Facilitation and Programming Do you want your learning, training, or therapeutic environment to be more creative, practical, experiential, and exciting? Is your “bag of tricks or toolbox” falling flat with students, participants, or clients? Do you desire/need greater theoretical context to support your praxis? If so, this certificate is for you. Creating and facilitating a “hands-on” learning environment promotes the practical application of information, tools, and skills that can last a lifetime for all learners. This certificate program provides teachers, trainers, therapists, coaches, homeschoolers, and other practitioners new and innovative facilitation and programming tools and strategies to take your practice to the next level. Participants in this program learn experiential education theory, acquire facilitation skills, and develop specific curriculum and/or program components for immediate implementation in their everyday work. Completion of the certificate requires 40 hours of participation: 20 hour onsite training & 20 hours of mentored coaching and self-directed practicum (coaching and practicum hours must be completed within 3 months from...

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Creating a Mindful Workplace Community

Posted by on Jun 14, 2013 in Featured Pages, Organizational Wellness | Comments Off on Creating a Mindful Workplace Community

Creating a Mindful Workplace Community

The workplace in the past 30 years has undergone significant changes and continues to evolve in profound ways. There is a humanistic, cultural shift towards authenticity and intention at the individual, team, and organizational level. Creating a Mindful Workplace Community is Cheryl’s answer to actualizing a “new paradigm” that will empower employees at all levels making your organization optimally productive. Your Mindful Workplace Community will include team cohesion and morale, improved communication and candor, enhanced innovation, staff and management loyalty and retention, reduced stress, and more! See the information below for more information and contact Cheryl today to begin creating your Mindful Workplace Community! Creating a Mindful Workplace Community The workplace in the past 30 years has undergone significant changes and continues to evolve in profound ways. There is a humanistic, cultural shift towards authenticity and intention at the individual, team, and organizational level. Creating a Mindful Workplace Community is our answer to actualizing a “new paradigm” that will empower employees at all levels making your organization optimally productive. Inspired by the Mindfulness practices of moment-to-moment intention, awareness, and right-striving for productivity, a Mindful Workplace Community is created by employing our three-step approach: Becoming Authentic: A journey of self-awareness resulting in authenticity. Authentic people embody effective communication and candor creating an environment of compassion, skillful conflict management, and empowerment. Commitment to Team: A commitment to team and organization which creates and inspires trust and morale. Highly functioning teams embody productivity with gratitude and intentionality – a mastery of relationships and tasks. Mindful Workplace Community: The outcome of creating a Mindful Workplace Community is the embodiment of agility and responsiveness at the cultural, system-wide level. Your organization can be a Mindful Workplace Community and experience outcomes such as: Team cohesion Heightened employee and customer morale Improved strategic execution Enhanced innovation Retention of talent Improved ability to handle conflict Improved communications and candor Improved decision-making Reduced absenteeism and presenteeism Reduced stress Enhanced resilience Heightened employee and customer loyalty Joyful staff = happy customers/clients Your journey to create a Mindful Workplace Community begins here in this moment… Watch this video describing the Mindful Workplace Community program: Download this flyer for more information:  Creating Mindful Workplace Community Flyer Creating a Generationally Cohesive Workplace Today, the workplace is undergoing significant changes. In most organizations there are as many as four generations of employees and leaders working together and it is estimated that Millennials will make up as much as 75% of the U.S. workforce by 2025. Creating a Generationally Cohesive Workplace is critical to the agility and success of your organization at all levels. Catalyst Healthy Solutions’ Creating a Generationally Cohesive Workplace program will facilitate your organizations success in becoming optimally productive and cohesive. Your organization will benefit in the following ways: Improved multiple-generational relationships in the areas of:  authenticity, communication, candor, and respect Enhanced innovation with improved decision making and strategic execution Successful leadership and followership development for Millennial employees Increased Millennial retention, reduced absenteeism, and improved presenteeism A cultural norm which celebrates the generational characteristics that diversify your workforce and promotes morale Decreased stress and enhanced resilience to create a “well” organization Improved customer/client care Heightened employee and customer loyalty Your organization will be the nimble, successful organization you desire Click here for more information:  Creating Generationally Cohesive Workplace Flyer Creating a Compassionately Healthy Workplace Providing compassionate and superior customer, client, patient, or student service is critical to your success. Do your employees suffer from COMPASSION FATIGUE? Compassion Fatigue, also known as Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS), is often defined as a decrease in compassion due to stress over time or a traumatic event resulting in sleeplessness, emotional distress, relationship challenges, and loss of productivity. Caring for those with whom you work to the point of burnout, communication snafus, low morale, organizational exhaustion, and employee turnover is not healthy for the short or long-term health of your organization, its employees, and ultimately those you serve. There is help for your employees, work teams, and organization… Creating a Compassionately Healthy Workplace is Catalyst Healthy Solutions’ answer to   addressing the challenges that lead to...

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